Better than You (2018) 3.5’
In this anthem, my lyricist colleague Dave Baldwin and I present our take on Jesus’s parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector from Luke chapter 18. The tone of the music and the lyrics is deliberately snarky and “over the top” as the Pharisee (the vocal soloist) lists his many pious virtues that make him superior to everyone else. The choir enthusiastically backs him up with “Lord knows he’s better than you!”
So, why would we present this sacred theme – the very words of Jesus! – in a style suggesting a show tune with a rinky-dink piano part? Well, in order to emphasize with humor and sarcasm the point that God doesn’t like it when we (in Jesus’ words) “are confident of our own righteousness and look down on everyone else.” This is important! The sanctimonious jerk portrayed in this parable lives on in many guises in every country and every faith.
SATB, solo voice, piano
The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, from Luke 18.